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For All Mankind Wiki
For All Mankind Wiki

The United States of America (U.S.A. or USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S. or US) or America, is a country primarily located in North AmericaW.

By 2000, the President of the United States is Tennessee Democrat Al Gore.


The United States is a federal republic with a bicameral legislature as well as a judicial branch, led by the Supreme Court. In a hotly contested presidential election in 1976 that led to a court case, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Ronald Reagan as President of the United States.[1] Subsequently, Sandra Day O'ConnorW was nominated as the first woman justice of the Court.[2]

Two major political parties exist in the United States; the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, which by the 1990s have come to be regarded as center-right and center-left, respectively. A strong socially conservative faction in the Republican Party emerged in the 1970s, leading to the rise of prominent evangelicals and Christian conservatives within the party such as Pat RobertsonW,[3] Pat BuchananW,[4] and James Bragg. Likewise, the Democratic Party did see the rise of center-left pragmatists such as Bill Clinton and Al Gore by the 1990s.

Nonetheless, after President Ellen Wilson came out as a lesbian to the public in the 1990s, the GOP experienced a rift between social conservatives and more moderate-minded Republicans. While the conservatives put up a major opposition, ultimately, Wilson and the moderates would prevail. This would lead to Ellen Wilson becoming the first openly lesbian president of the US in her second term, as well as the signing of the landmark Marriage Inclusion Act of the late 1990s, which legalized same-sex marriage across the USA.

Science and Technology[]

The United States is a major leader in scientific and technological development. Despite losing the Race to the Moon to the Soviet Union, the US would pioneer concepts ranging from the first Space Shuttles to the Sea Dragon rocket, and would remain a major player in space exploration well into the 1990s.

The US is capable in nuclear-related technologies, managing to stop a major nuclear disaster in Three Mile IslandW, Pennsylvania, using technologies derived from the Space Race.[5] In the mid 1980s, American researchers Dev Ayesa and Richard Hilliard discovered the secrets of nuclear fusionW, leading to a clean energy revolution that negated the effects of global warming.[6] Despite this, not everyone was happy with the turn towards fusion energy, with many workers in the coal and oil industries being left unemployed as a result.[7]

Culture and Mass Media[]

The United States has a diverse media environment, having fostered musical artists like Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, and Kurt Cobain, as well as movie stars like Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan, the latter two of who starred in a movie production called Love in the Skies, based on the lives of NASA astronauts and American heroes Gordo and Tracy Stevens.[8] Major syndicated news channels and programs dominate the airwaves, such as NNC and Morning USA, and the right-wing Eagle News channel. Popular magazines and publications include TIME, Newsweek, and Forbes, as well as local newspapers like the Houston Sentinel.

By the 2000s, reality television, both in Earth and in space, would become increasingly popular in the US. Programs such as Survivor and Moon Miners, the latter detailing the lives of workers on the various Helium-3 mines on the Moon, would dominate primetime ratings.


Major companies based in the US include tech giants such as AppleW, space-themed fast food chain The Outpost, and Helios Aerospace, which developed clean nuclear fusion and won a contract with NASA to mine Helium-3W from the Moon in 1987,[9] and challenged the world's two biggest space agencies, NASA and Roscosmos, in the Race to Mars in 1994.[10] Some level of economic investment and trade existed with the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, with reality TV star and real estate mogul Donald TrumpW opening luxury condos in Moscow.[11]

Rivalry in space[]

The United States has rivaled the Soviet Union in the Space Race since the 1950s. Their national space agency NASA lost some significant goals in the early days of space exploration to the Soviets, including the first landing of a human on the Moon.[12] In the 90s, the two countries raced for the first manned landing on Mars.[10]

The United States established a lunar outpost, Jamestown base, on the surface of the Moon in 1973.[13] It was expanded over the years and consists of several facilities by the 90s, including mining sites, fuel production, and a rocket testing site.[10]


See also[]

External links[]


  1. Bonus Video: One Giant Leap: 1975-1982 - Reagan Defeats Kennedy (1976)
  2. For All Mankind TV Series - Season 2, Episode 1: "Every Little Thing" (Press review opening)Screenshot
  3. For All Mankind TV Series - Season 3, Episode 1: "Polaris" (Press review @ 01:53)
  4. Bonus Video: Another Giant Leap: 1984-1992 - Presidential Primaries (1992)
  5. For All Mankind TV Series - Season 2, Episode 1: "Every Little Thing" (Press review opening)Screenshot
  6. For All Mankind TV Series - Season 3, Episode 1: "Polaris" (Press review opening)Screenshot
  7. Bonus Video: Another Giant Leap: 1984-1992 - Clean Nuclear Energy (1987)
  8. For All Mankind TV Series - Season 3, Episode 1: "Polaris" (Press review opening)Screenshot
  9. For All Mankind TV Series - Season 3, Episode 1: "Polaris" (Press review opening)Screenshot
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 For All Mankind TV Series - Season 3
  11. For All Mankind TV Series - Season 3, Episode 1: "Polaris" (Press review opening)Screenshot
  12. For All Mankind TV Series - Season 1, Episode 1: "Red Moon"
  13. For All Mankind TV Series - Season 2, Episode 1: "Every Little Thing"