For All Mankind Wiki

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For All Mankind Wiki
For All Mankind Wiki

This is a glossary of terms and abbreviations used in the TV series For All Mankind, and in this Wiki.

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
TermMeaningInternal linksExternal links
AGC Apollo Guidance Computer Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Apollo Guidance Computer
AGS Abort Guidance System Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Abort Guidance System
Apollo The NASA program to land humans on the Moon Apollo program Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Apollo program
APXS Alpha particle X-ray spectrometer, an instrument to analyse chemical element composition. Icon-wikipedia-64x64  APXS
ASCAN Astronaut Candidates Icon-wikipedia-64x64  ASCAN
ASI Augmented Spark Igniter, a component of the J-2 engine Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Rocketdyne J-2
ASTP Apollo-Soyuz-Test-Project Apollo-Soyuz Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Apollo-Soyuz
Astronaut Personnel trained, equipped, and deployed for human spaceflight Astronaut Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Astronaut
ATL Alternative Timeline, as opposed to the Original Timeline (OTL) PoD Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Alternate history
ATM Apollo Telescope Mount, a solar observatory and part of Skylab Skylab Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Apollo Telescope Mount
AU (also: au) Astronomical unit, a unit of length. Distance Earth-Sun (approx. 150 mio km) Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Astronomical unit
AWOL Absent Without Official Leave (departure from duty without permission) Icon-link-64x64
C-5 Shuttle carrier aircraft C-5 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft
CAPCOM Spacecraft communicator, the person communicating with the crew of a spaceship. CAPCOM Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Flight controller
Cape Kennedy A launch complex in Cape Canaveral, Florida, operated by the US Air Force
(not to be confused with the Kennedy Space Center KSC)
Cape Kennedy Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Cape Canaveral Space Force Station
CCCP Russian abbreviation for the Soviet Union
(Союз Советских Социалистических Республик)
Soviet Union Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Soviet Union
CCCS Coalition of Communist Countries for Spaceflight CCCS
CIA Central Intelligence Agency, a foreign intelligence service of the United States tasked with gathering and analyzing national security information from around the world. CIA Icon-wikipedia-64x64  CIA
CM Command Module, a component of the CSM CSM Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Apollo command and service module
Cosmodrome Russian name for spaceport Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Cosmodrome
Cosmonaut Astronaut of the Soviet Union (космонавт) Cosmonaut Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Cosmonaut
CSC Molly Cobb Space Center, NASA's Space Center in Houston, formerly known as JSC Molly Cobb Space Center Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Johnson Space Center
CSM Command and Service Module, a component of the Apollo spacecraft CSM Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Apollo command and service module
D-Mail Digital Mail, the show's version of email (also dmail) D-Mail
DEFCON Defense Readiness Condition, an alert state system used by the US Armed Forces Icon-wikipedia-64x64  DEFCON
Delta-v A measure for change in velocity Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Delta-v
DoD Department of Defense (also DOD) Icon-wikipedia-64x64  DoD
Dosimeter A radiation measuring device Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Dosimeter
DPRK North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) North Korea Icon-wikipedia-64x64  North Korea
DSKY Display and Keyboard, user interface of AGC Icon-wikipedia-64x64  DSKY
DSN Deep Space Network Icon-wikipedia-64x64  NASA Deep Space Network
EASA East Asian Space Alliance (fictional)
EMS Entry Monitoring System Icon-link-64x64
ESA European Space Agency ESA Icon-wikipedia-64x64  ESA
EVA Extravehicular activity, also known as spacewalk EVA Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Extravehicular activity
FAM Abbreviation of For All Mankind, the name of the series For All Mankind Icon-wikipedia-64x64  For All Mankind (TV series)
FAO Flight Activities Officer, part of flight controller team FAO Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Flight controller
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, a security service of the United States and its principal federal law enforcement agency. FBI Icon-wikipedia-64x64  FBI
FCC Flight Control Computer Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Launch Vehicle Digital Computer
FCC (2) Federal Communications Commission, an agency of the US government that regulates communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Federal Communications Commission
FIDO Flight Dynamics Officer (also FDO), part of flight controller team FIDO Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Flight controller
FLIGHT Flight Director, head of the flight controllers team Flight director
Flight controller
Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Flight controller
Flight controller A team of personnel to aid space flights Flight controller Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Flight controller
GEO Geostationary orbit Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Geostationary orbit
GNC Guidance, Navigation, and Control, systems to control the movement of vehicles Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Guidance, Navigation, and Control
Gpc Gigaparsec, a unit of length. 1 Gpc = 1 billion pc = 3.26 billion ly Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Parsec
GPR Ground-Penetrating Radar Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Ground-penetrating radar
Gravity assist A gravity assist, also swing-by, gravitational slingshot, or just slingshot, the use of the gravity of an astronomical object to alter path and speed of a spacecraft Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Gravity assist
GUIDO Guidance Officer, part of the flight controller team GUIDO Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Flight controller
H-1 Rocket engine used for Saturn IB Saturn IB Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Rocketdyne H-1
He-3 Helium-3 (3He), a light, stable isotope of helium with two protons and one neutron. Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Helium-3
IAC International Astronautical Congress IAC Icon-wikipedia-64x64  International Astronautical Congress
ICBM Intercontinental ballistic missile Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Intercontinental ballistic missile
INCO Integrated communications officer, part of the flight controller team INCO Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Flight controller
InSAR Interferometric synthetic-aperture radar, a radar technique used in geodesy and remote sensing Icon-wikipedia-64x64  InSAR
ISRO Indian Space Research Organisation, the national space agency of India. Icon-wikipedia-64x64  ISRO
ISRU In situ resource utilization, collection, processing, storing and use of materials found or manufactured on other astronomical objects Icon-wikipedia-64x64  ISRU
IU Instrument Unit, part of the Saturn S-IVB Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Saturn V instrument unit
J-2 Rocket engine used for Saturn IB and Saturn V Saturn IB
Saturn V
Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Rocketdyne J-2
JAXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, the Japanese national air and space agency Icon-wikipedia-64x64  JAXA
JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a NASA research and development center in California Icon-wikipedia-64x64  JPL
JSC Johnson Space Center, located in Houston, Texas Johnson Space Center Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Johnson Space Center
K-32 A model of NERVA NERVA
KGB Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti (Committee for State Security), the main security agency of the Soviet Union. KGB Icon-wikipedia-64x64  KGB
kpc Kiloparsec, a unit of length. 1 kpc = 1,000 pc = 3,262 ly Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Parsec
KSC Kennedy Space Center, located in Merrit Island, Florida
(not to be confused with Cape Kennedy)
Kennedy Space Center Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Kennedy Space Center
Lagrange point Position in space where the gravitational forces of 2 orbiting bodies cancel each other out. They can be used to reduce the fuel needed to keep an object in place. There are 5 such points, numbered L1 - L5, and they exist for systems like Sun-Earth or Earth-Moon. Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Lagrange point
Launch window A collection of days or period of time during which a spacecraft must be launched to reach its intended orbit Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Launch window
LEM Lunar Excursion Module, landing vehicle of the Apollo spacecraft LEM Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Apollo Lunar Module
LEO Low Earth orbit, an orbit around Earth approx. 200 - 2000 km above the ground. Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Low Earth orbit
LH2 Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) (used in rocket propellant) LH2 Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Liquid hydrogen
LK Soviet lunar landing module LK Icon-wikipedia-64x64  LK (spacecraft)
LLO Low Lunar Orbit Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Lunar orbit
LLTV Lunar Landing Training Vehicle, also called "Flying Bedsted" Icon-wikipedia-64x64  LLTV
LM Landing Module, see LEM LEM
LOI Lunar Orbit Insertion, the adjustment to achieve a lunar orbit Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Lunar orbit
LOS Loss of signal Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Orbital pass
LOX Liquid Oxygen (used in rocket propellant) Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Liquid oxygen
LSAM Lunar Surface Access Module, a lunar lander and successor of the LEM LSAM Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Altair (spacecraft)
LVLH Local vertical, local horizontal coordinates Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Local tangent plane coordinates
ly Light-year, a unit of length. Distance the light travels in 1 year. 1 ly = 9.46 trillion km = 63,241 AU = 0.3066 pc Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Light-year
M-7 Mars-7 Alliance treaty Mars-7 Alliance
MOCR Mission Operations Control Room, part of the Mission Control Center Icon-wikipedia-64x64  MOCR
MOI Mars Orbit Insertion, the change of trajectory to enter a Martian orbit Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Orbit insertion
Mpc Megaparsec, a unit of length. 1 Mpc = 1 mio pc = 3.26 mio ly Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Parsec
MSAM Mars Surface Access Module MSAM
MSC Manned Spacecraft Center, former name of the JSC Johnson Space Center Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Johnson Space Center
N1 Soviet launch vehicle N1 Icon-wikipedia-64x64  N1 (rocket)
N3 Soviet launch vehicle, successor of N1 N3
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US space agency NASA Icon-wikipedia-64x64  NASA
NERVA Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Applications, a spacecraft propulsion system NERVA Icon-wikipedia-64x64  NERVA
NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command Icon-wikipedia-64x64  NORAD
OMDP Orbiter Maintenance Down Period, the time Space Shuttles are grounded for major overhaul
OMS Orbital Maneuvering System, used to modify a spacecraft's orbit Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Orbital Maneuvering System
OPF Orbiter Processing Facility, a hangar where Space Shuttles undergo maintenance between flights Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Orbiter Processing Facility
OPS Oxygen Purge System Icon-link-64x64
OTL Original (real-world) Timeline, as opposed to the alternate timeline (ATL) of the show PoD Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Alternate history
Pathfinder 1) Second generation Space Shuttle
2) Name of the first of these shuttles
Space Shuttle
Pathfinder (spacecraft)
pc Parsec, a unit of length. 1 pc = 3.26 ly = 206,265 AU = 30.86 trillion km Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Parsec
PMU Propulsive Mobility Unit, used to move astronauts during a spacewalk Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Astronaut propulsion unit
PoD Point of Divergence PoD Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Alternate history
RCS Reaction Control System, a system of thrusters to maneuver spacecrafts RCS Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Reaction control system
REFSMMAT Reference to Stable Member Matrix, a term used by flight controllers Icon-wikipedia-64x64  REFSMMAT
Regolith A blanket of loose superficial deposits covering solid rock. Mostly referring to lunar regolith, it is actually present on most terrestrial planets and moons, including Earth. Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Regolith
rem Roentgen equivalent man, a unit of dose measures used to estimate potential health effects of radiation on the human body Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Roentgen equivalent man
RF Radio Frequency Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Radio frequency
Roscosmos Soviet space agency, successor of the Soviet Space Program Roscosmos Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Roscosmos
S-IB (S-one-b) 1st stage of the Saturn IB rocket Icon-wikipedia-64x64  S-IB
S-IC (S-one-c) 1st stage of the Saturn V rocket Icon-wikipedia-64x64  S-IC
S-II (S-two) 2nd stage of the Saturn V rocket Icon-wikipedia-64x64  S-II
S-II SEP Separation from S-II
S-IVB (S-four-b) 3rd stage of the Saturn V and 2nd stage of the Saturn IB rocket Saturn V
Saturn IB
Icon-wikipedia-64x64  S-IVB
Saturn NASA launch vehicle, rocket family Saturn V
Saturn IB
Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Saturn (rocket family)
Sea Dragon Sea-launched super-heavy launch vehicle Sea Dragon Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Sea Dragon (rocket)
SIM Simulator (training) Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Astronaut training
Skylab NASA's first space station in Earth's orbit Skylab Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Skylab
Slingshot Gravitational slingshot, also gravity assist or swing-by, the use of the gravity of an astronomical object to alter path and speed of a spacecraft Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Gravity assist
SM Service Module, a component of the CSM CSM Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Apollo command and service module
Sol A solar day on Mars. 1 sol is 24:39:35 Earth hours long. Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Mars sol
Soviet Space Program Soviet national space program, predecessor of Roscosmos Soviet Space Program Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Soviet space program
Soyuz Designation of various Soviet projects during the Space Race:
Spaceflight program
Rocket & rocket family
Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Soyuz
Space Shuttle Reusable spacecraft capable of re-entry Earth's atmosphere and land on ground Space Shuttle
Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Space Shuttle
SPS Service Propulsion System, part of the Service Module (SM) Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Apollo command and service module
SRB Solid Rocket Booster, a rocket using solid fuel, used to provide additional thrust during the first ascent of a spacecraft's launch sequence Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Solid Rocket Booster
Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Space Shuttle booster
SSR Staff Support Room, a backroom with additiona flight controllers outside Mission Control Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Flight controller
SSTO Single-stage-to-orbit, a vehicle to reach an orbit of a body without a launch vehicle, additional boosters, or extra tanks Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Single-stage-to-orbit
Star City An area in Zvyozdny gorodok near Moscow, where Soviet cosmonauts are trained Star City Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Star City, Russia
STS 1) Space Transport System, the system in which the Space Shuttle is part of
2) The Space Shuttle program itself
Space Shuttle Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Space Transportation System
Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Space Shuttle program
TCM Trajectory Correction Maneuver, a maneuver for adjusting the flight path of a spacecraft Icon-link-64x64
TEI Trans-Earth Injection, a propulsive maneuver to set a spacecraft on a trajectory to Earth Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Trans-Earth injection
TELMU Telemetry, electrical, EVA mobility unit officer, part of the flight controller team TELMU Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Flight controller
Titan NASA launch vehicle Titan III Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Titan (rocket family)
TLI Trans-Lunar Injection, a propulsive maneuver to set a spacecraft on a trajectory to the Moon Trans-lunar injection Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Trans-lunar injection
TMI Trans-Mars Injection, a propulsive maneuver to set a spacecraft on a trajectory to Mars Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Trans-Mars injection
USA United States of America United States Icon-wikipedia-64x64  United States
USAF United States Air Force Icon-wikipedia-64x64  US Air Force
USMC United States Marine Corps Icon-wikipedia-64x64  USMC
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the official name of the Soviet Union Soviet Union Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Soviet Union
USSS United States Secret Service, a US federal agency charged with conducting criminal investigations and protecting political leaders and their families USSS Icon-wikipedia-64x64  USSS
Wilco A standard phrase in aircraft radio, shortcut for "I will comply", meaning "I understood your message and will comply with it". Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Procedure words
XO Executive Officer (second-in-command) Icon-wikipedia-64x64  Executive Officer

See also

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