For All Mankind Wiki

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For All Mankind Wiki
For All Mankind Wiki

The European Space Agency (ESA) is an European intergovernmental organisation of 16 member states dedicated to space exploration.


Many ESA astronauts visited and worked on NASA's lunar base Jamestown. They were also part of other missions, like Skylab.

In May 1983, Irish ESA astronaut Doreen Campbell was aboard Skylab as part of the Skylab 19 mission, where she detected the massive coronal mass ejectionW with the station's solar telescope (ATM) that threatened satellites, and astronaut's lives in Earth's orbit and on the Moon.[1] The solar storm later led to Dutch ESA astronaut Wubbo Ockels leaving the program after he was exposed to way too much radiation during that event.[2]

Other ESA astronauts working on Jamestown were from Canada, Spain, and Switzerland.[3]

In 1994, Scotsman Clarke Halladay was part of the Sojourner-1 mission heading to Mars, but died during the rescue mission of the Soviet spacecraft Mars-94.[4]

In 1997, ESA joined the newly founded Mars-7 Alliance treaty (M-7), with Canada opting to remain independent to pursue their own priorities.[5]

Member states[]

FAM Bonus 1996-2001 1997 ESA member nations closeup

ESA member nations 1997

  • Flag of the Republic of Austria   Austria
  • Flag of the Kingdom of Belgium   Belgium
  • Flag of Canada   Canada
  • Flag of Denmark   Denmark
  • Flag of the Republic of Finland   Finland
  • Flag of the French Republic   France
  • Flag of the Federal Republic of Germany   West Germany
  • Flag of Ireland   Ireland
  • Flag of the Italian Republic   Italy
  • Flag of the Netherlands   Netherlands
  • Flag of the Kingdom of Norway   Norway
  • Flag of the Portuguese Republic   Portugal (as of 1997)[5]
  • Flag of the Kingdom of Spain   Spain
  • Flag of the Kingdom of Sweden   Sweden
  • Flag of the Swiss Confederation   Switzerland
  • Flag of the United Kingdom   United Kingdom

Notable personnel[]

Behind the scenes[]

ESA Logo comparison

ESA logo comparison

Same as with NASA, the ESA logos seen in the show are different from the real ones.

According to the ESA patch seen in season 2, the organization had 15 members in 1983.
In reality, ESA had 14 members in 1983, 11 full member states, the associated members Austria and Norway, which became full members in 1986, plus the cooperating state Canada.[6]
Finland became the 14th full member state in 1995 only.[7]

ESA was formed from two former organisations, ESROW and ELDOW. It is unknown how the European space organisations have developed in the alternate timeline of For All Mankind.

In a news broadcast about the formation of the M-7 Alliance in 1997, Portugal is also shown as a member, although it wasn't on the patch back in 1983.[5] This somehow lines-up with reality, where Portugal became the 15th member state in November 2000,[8] a few years later than in the show.

In the timeline of For All Mankind, Germany is still divided. Only West Germany is part of ESA. East Germany is part of the Coalition of Communist Countries for Spaceflight.[5]

See also[]

External links[]


  1. For All Mankind TV Series - Season 2, Episode 1: "Every Little Thing"
  2. For All Mankind TV Series - Season 2, Episode 2: "The Bleeding Edge"
  3. For All Mankind TV Series - Season 2
  4. For All Mankind TV Series - Season 3, Episode 4: "Happy Valley"
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Bonus Video: Leap Into a New Millenium: 1996-2001 - The Mars-7 Alliance (1997)
  6. Icon-wikipedia-64x64  ESA member states on Wikipedia
  7. Icon-link-64x64 Finland becomes ESA's 14th Member State
  8. Icon-link-64x64 Portugal becomes ESA's 15th Member State