For All Mankind Wiki

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For All Mankind Wiki
For All Mankind Wiki

Apollo 12 was a NASA spaceflight mission in fall 1969 and the second manned landing on the Moon, after Apollo 11.


Apollo 12 was launched on September 19, 1969. Its purpose was to find a suitable place for a future American Moon base, which President Nixon wanted to establish, mostly for military reason, after the CIA suspected the Soviets of planning a lunar military outpost. Administrator Paine called it the "Race for the Base".[1]

The mission was commanded by Pete Conrad and an unknown crew. His backup was Gordo Stevens.[1]


Behind the scenes[]

In reality, Apollo 12W was launched on November 14, 1969, and was also commanded by real Pete ConradW, with his crew being LEM pilot Alan BeanW and CSM pilot Richard GordonW. It was the second manned Moon landing and Conrad became the third person to walk on the lunar surface. The mission almost failed when it was struck by lightning during ascent. The mission was saved by the SCE to Aux command. The mission would go on to last 10 days.

See also[]

External links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 For All Mankind TV Series - Season 1, Episode 2: "He Built the Saturn V"
